March 2011

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  • Apocalypse now
  • Sun. Mar, 13 2011

Sun. Mar, 13 2011This is now D+2 and things get a bit more clear on the impact of that shake on Friday.
No need to comment the apocalyptic images that are now available everywhere nor comment on the tragedy that Miyagi and Fukushima are enduring.
For those who I haven't talked to (well the phone is finally back here) everything is fine for us. Tokyo has been immune to the quake and although the building have been incredibly shaking (see the first video below) and that for incredibly long, the infrastructures have preserved the area from thousands more victims. The 2.5h walk that I had to take to come home was incredible: Dozens of thousands of people walking orderly in almost silence, no trains, no klaxons, not all the noise that is out every night. Almost nice. At least for those who could walk home... There was hundreds of people who were lining up for buses and taxis. The traffic jams were gigantic but for some reason, nobody tried to organise and gather people in car/taxi per destinations. As a result, all the cars and cabs had only one guy/girl inside.

Now, what's next? limited supplies in the supermarkets/combinis (glad we received our 70L of water last Friday for the water server!), most likely shortage in oil and programmed blackouts...

Anyway, all our thoughts and condoleances to the thousands of people up there.


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