May 2011

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  • The Social Network
  • Sun. May, 15 2011

Following the movie, companies have felt necessary to get social. For example, we now have 2 social networks internal to the company on top of all the ones employees are using on their own. Supposedly helping the employees and make the company run as one...

Nobody is really posting anything interesting or even using the internal ones (confirming that this is a lot of money that could be better allocated somewhere else) but, like pushed by the need to be connected, a lot of employees start willing to connect. And among them, your managers, or people high in the hierarchy. Yes, since I have no local managers, I would define them as people having a higher hierarchical level. So, I recently received a FB invitation of our Managing director. Why not. But, then, why does he want to be my friend when he hasn't talked to me at the office in more than 6 months and our move to the same office as the other company? Maybe, that should start there, no? If it was LinkedIn, I would accept since this is professional and all about networking. But FB? I just don't get it. 

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