December 2006

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  • l‚¦
  • Wed. Dec, 13 2006

While my back is getting better little by little, I had time to read all the unread emails I accumulated these last months (in a word, something like 500 mails late, some requiring "urgent" answers too...). Meanwhile, I also had time to read some of the blogs I used to read everyday before work starts keeping me that busy. So, I read a couple of interesting things that I missed lately. For example, and to name only one of the blog (most probably the most interesting), we learn in "La rivière aux canards" that the kanji for this year is –½. More details there (everything is in French but there is a small picture that may help the non-French speakers).
For me, after a little bit more than a year in the empire of the rising sun, quite hard to choose one... Right now, it would be ’É. For the last weeks, ˆ¤ and finally, for the past year: K. Everything hasn't been perfect so far (how can it be?), some moments have been unhappy but finally, there is nothing I can complain about. A dream has been fulfilled, my life is more and more fitting what I wanted to make of it and if all the things I want to do here takes more time than I thought (time in Japan is shorter than anywhere else in the World, for sure), I am definitely happy.

Apart from the calligraphy matters, these three days made a couple of different topics crossed my mind. At first, I definitely need to buy a TV. That would have helped these 3 days going by faster and also makes me improve my Japanese... Then, I should hit the gym regularly to keep my back (and my whole myself) in a better shape to avoid what is happening to me right now. Quite sure that the rugby practice on a hard pitch didn't help. Especially after one month of total unactivity... One challenge for 2007!

Regarding my website also. I have tested something: putting videos on YouTube instead of my own website to increase the quantity of storage, ease the upload and improve the embedded player. I did it for one song from the U2 concert in é‹Ê (you can check these 4:18min of happiness there) and it should be something definitely nicer and easier to maintain than the current system (since I am running out of time lately, that is something definitely precious). So, that's something I'll try to achieve in the coming weeks. It just requires to change a couple of things in the PHP. No big deal. Hope to get everything done this week-end. That will come along with the work I have to do for the alumni association for approximately 10 months... Hopefully! Since this Saturday night, there is the end-of-year party of AJJ and some shopping for Christmas, I think it will be a busy week-end. If I am able to move... 

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