As incredible as it seems, a new update of this “ú‹L just a week after the previous one. It seems that some of the points listed last week are being investigated. But, beyond the “ú‹L point, there are some others!
Indeed, this week helped me to change myself from a working-overtime-on-weekdays/lazy-on-weekends type to a working-overtime-on-weekdays/active-on-weekends type. At least, a little. Actually, I have been helped by the day spent at Saint Luke Hospital last Tuesday. For, I had some problems with my kidney and a check-up was required. Happily, it was a good one (in the sense that nothing bad was found) but I had been strongly advised to drink more... ...water. This, added to the pain felt on Sunday night (we thought that a kidney stone was causing all that trouble) achieved to convince me to forget about the "let it go" attitude on week-ends and shake everything up!
As a result, I manage to go to the gym (the first time in more than 5 months...) yesterday morning and that was a great idea! I spent one hour sweating like horse and waking up my sleeping muscles. That also convinced me to book an hour every week-end -and therefore change my subscription for a substantial cost saving (almost half)- as there was not many folks around. Not many so that it made it even easier to spot the
The gym yesterday and today the website: Beside the “ú‹L, I also spent some time moving some videos from my FTP site to Youtube: that allows me to send bigger files for better quality and save some space on the FTP account at the same time!
An other thing to do is to find a solution to this “ú–{Œê problem and find an efficient way to catch up with the level I should have by now if I hadn't been a "lazy bastard" until now...
More than ever: Šæ’£‚êIƒTƒ‰ƒŠ[ƒ}ƒ“