Time to go to Las Vegas to celebrate this new year 2007. Before that, around 4 hours driving on the freeway in the middle of nothing. Quite nice. On top of that, the weather looks perfect. Actually, that may mean that night will be very cold. Anyway, we'll see.
For sure, we'll be busy there for the next 3 days. No updates possible. Only when I'll be back. At least, I won't forget you over there and take a lot of pictures.... [Read]
After a movie, it is now time to recommend a nice book written by Melissa Rossi, "What every American should know about Europe".
Her aim is quite huge: to give straight and easy key for the Americans to understand the European countries. To do so, she performs a global overview of history, current problems and main people of each country one after an other. Quite hard to do that for 27 countries in 400 pages but, to my opinion (mostly for the French part -I haven't reached the Scandinavian co... [Read]
One recommendation: Go see this movie.
Will Smith is very good and his son is almost as good as him.
Nice story (since it ends well) inspired by the real Chris Gardner life that deserves a typical Hollywood story. However, all the movie is based on the strength and the optimism that animate Chris to succeed and achieve what he has decided to do. And that's exactely what I believe in...
So, get your ticket (9USD, here) and ... [Read]
The third and last clue on this Christmas Day.
Actually, I have taken this picture (and many others) today for my first real tourist day. The entire collection will be available soon on this website (understand when I'll have time to upload them...).
So, for those who couldn't find (or couldn't see anything on this picture), the answer to this -tremendous- quizz is Los Angeles. Or near it, actually. Anyway, I'll be here for 2 weeks more (modulo a 3days trip in Las Vegas next week-end for the... [Read]
Now is the time for celebration and other joyful moments. The second I won't spend in France with the rest of the family. The first time was last year (those who read this blog accurately may remember, or not) but, actually, this one will be much better since I won't have to work 13 hours before coming back at midnight in my room without air conditioner... Indeed, this year, the ambient temperature is the highest I ever had for Christmas. The bad point is that it also means that we won't have an... [Read]
A very easy second tip today. However, if it gives you a general idea of where I am, it may be a bit large...
Any proposition?... [Read]
Here is the first hint to know where I went to.
There will be two more before you exactely know (or almost) but I am sure that you will find before...
Meanwhile this Friday is a double day for me, thanks to the travel...... [Read]
A couple of things to finish (it's time, it is 23h30) and I'll be in vacations. Long vacations... In a secret destination. I think you'll know quite soon since I think I'll post from there. Yes, there. It won't be in “Œ‹ž, but, shhhhh, that's a secret. All I can say is that I'll be a couple of time zones away from here for nice and long holidays. And I know I'll have to enjoy (no doubt about it, since I'll me with my pretty lady) beca... [Read]
ƒNƒŠƒXƒ}ƒX is in the air in Japan for a while already. Actually, as soon as the Halloween "thing" was over, we could see everything turned into ƒNƒŠƒXƒ}ƒX' style. Everything and that does include everything: from the leaflet girls at the station to the ƒRƒ“ƒrƒj, or even the KFC character... [Read]
While my back is getting better little by little, I had time to read all the unread emails I accumulated these last months (in a word, something like 500 mails late, some requiring "urgent" answers too...). Meanwhile, I also had time to read some of the blogs I used to read everyday before work starts keeping me that busy. So, I read a couple of interesting things that I missed lately. For example, and to name only one of the blog (most probably the most interesting), we learn in "La riviè... [Read]
Second day in bed... Quite difficult to lay down without being able to do anything...
Fortunately, Virginie brought me my laptop at noon and, even if I can't read DVD on it, I can still manage to chat and listen to music while surfing. I can even post a little note like I am doing right now...
If my back is getting less painful, I am still wondering whether I'll be fine tomorrow evening and even this week-end... It seems that AJJ party will be without me this year. The worst thing is that I ... [Read]
This week should have started like any other by a Monday morning, at 7h30 at work. However, around 6h30, I knew this week would be different. Feeling like stabbed in the back forced me to review all the plans. Valiantly, I reached the office and attempted to work. After 50 minutes, the pain was too hard and I only could (harldy) reach the cab, direction Saint Luke Hospital. Admitted at 9h15, I finally waited until 13h to enter the doctor's room. around 4h of waiting for a 10 minutes consultation... [Read]
After the good moment I had on Thursday night, ending at 2am in a Ä‚«’¹ (20 hours after the day started for me), work came back. A bit later, though, since waking up on Friday was a kind of chaotic... However, something should have emerged too and this thing is called “ú–{Œê. For, tomorrow, this is the annual